ManpowerGroup is committed to the highest standards of health and safety.
In adopting these standards, we seek to create a workplace and work systems that enable all employees to feel safe and secure.

We are proud that our commitment to health, safety and wellbeing was recognised by governing body APSCo Australia as part of the 2024 Awards for Excellence - Wellbeing Award.
We endeavor to provide a safe working environment for all of our employees, associates, contractors and consultants. We focus on compliance with health and safety legislation within our own business operations and also apply this same standard as a matter of priority when reviewing whether to place associates, contractors and consultants in a client's work environment. We will not knowingly allow our people to work in an unsafe work environment. We expect our employees, associates, contractors and consultants to comply with all health and safety regulations, policies and procedures. We will provide appropriate training to employees and associates, as befits the needs of each role.
We recognise the importance of work-life balance, and aim to foster a culture of wellbeing by providing a variety of tools, education and resources that reinforce healthy lifestyle choices.
Our global and local leadership commit to ensuring the overall success of our health, safety and wellness programs by:
Communicating clear policies and guidelines on workplace health, safety and wellness
Visibly and actively supporting employee involvement in our health, safety and wellness programs
Providing adequate resources to the programs
Download Our Policies
ManpowerGroup Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy
ManpowerGroup Fitness for Work Policy
ManpowerGroup Workplace Discrimination Bullying and Harassment Policy
HSEQ Certification
ManpowerGroup is certified to:
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
View our certificates:
ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate
ISO 45001 Safety Management System Certificate
Incident Management
What to do when a work related hazard, incident, injury, illness or near miss occurs.
Ensure you and those around you are safe.
Report the incident to your workplace Manager/Supervisor (this might be a site/client manager).
Seek immediate first aid/medical treatment, if required.
Once you are safe to do so, immediately call on our free call number to report the injury, illness or near miss.1800 786 063 (Within Australia)
If you receive medical treatment (other than first aid) please inform your Doctor or practitioner that ManpowerGroup has suitable duties available to encourage you to be able to return to work as soon as possible after your injury/illness.
Notify your Consultant/ Manager as soon as possible within 24 hours after you have received any medical treatment.
Continue to advise your Consultant/Manager of your progress during treatment or following medical reviews.
InjuryMaster Access (for authorised ManpowerGroup Employees only)
Workers Compensation Claim Support
Please advise your Consultant/Manager immediately if you intend to submit a Workers Compensation claim. They can assist you with required paperwork and a program to support your recovery.
When to call
Prompt reporting of incidents is vital – the free call numbers above are for the initial reporting of incidents only. Your Consultant/Manager is always your main contact for health and safety support, including injury management.
Employee Assistance Program
ManpowerGroup's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service available to all employees, associates and contractors. The service provides professional guidance and support with work or personal problems such as:
Work/life balance
Career Change
Family, child and eldercare
Anxiety, stress and depression
Difficult customers
Team performance
The EAP is provided by AccessEAP and is available 24 hours a day/365 days a year.
To access call: 1800 818 728 (Within Australia)