ManpowerGroup Sustainability
For more than 70 years we have operated globally on the belief that meaningful, sustainable employment has the power to change the world.
We believe businesses have a responsibility to contribute to a sustainable future for work, for workers and for the world. We are driven to lead by example, and we are guided in everything we do by our Values, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the UN Global Compact Principles and Sustainable Development Goals. This is how we attract and retain the best talent and how we create a culture of conscious inclusion that fosters innovation, enables high performance and allows everyone to achieve their full potential.
We believe businesses have a responsibility to enable all people to participate in the workplace and achieve their potential.
Caring about the health and safety of everyone is an integral part of our culture.
Continuous learning and development of our people is crucial to the success of our business.
We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to have meaningful work rewarded in a fair manner.
We believe our values should be reflected and embraced by all of our business partners.
We conduct our business with respect and consideration for the environment.